After one day after acclimatization in Yaoundé, we went to Kribi with Penny. We stayed here for two days. Sunday we made a trip to over the beach to the Lobé Falls. One of the world’s falls ending directly in the sea. Then we took a boat (pirogue) to the pygmies (inland inhabitants) in the tropical rainforest. The people are very friendly and we took some fotos with them. There was also a dance where we also joined. At the end the chief of the village asked me to stay ;). Well I did gave them some apples and a small amount of money.
Summarizing the beaches are beautiful and very tranquilizing. I have also eaten bill foot and fried bananas (very familiar).
Before being only in the shadow, I walked in the sun (without hat)`and that’s why I was sick at the end of the day. Terrible headache, skin eruptions and even nauseous. That resultedc in vomiting, feeling like a relief. I went to bed in the early evening that Sunday.
The next day I was a bit of weaker but absolutely not sick. I didn’t go out till 15.00 hr, in the meantime I was sitting on the terrace of our hotel (Tera Plage). Very relaxing, but 15.30 hr we had to go to the centre of Kribi for some food and drinking supplies. These were necessary for tomorrow; the trip to further southerly, Campo. 🙂 🙂