Białowieza National Park

What are the solutions?

It is very hard to stop the illegal clear cutting of the surrounding bufferzones, since they are privately owned. Perhaps bying these adjacent locations in combination with more guides can hopefully stop further degradation of this last piece of wild Europe. Nowadays the European legislation speed protection efforts on its way to the upcoming decennium. The Via Baltica got cancelled and a new route bypassing the national park was adopted, but threatening another location. Further the European Commission started an infringement procedure to force Poland committing the goals for protecting nature reserves (Natura 2000 sites).

What are the consequences if we don’t protect this area?Remember that I cried to see the UNESCO Bison Show Reserve? These animals are kept in captivity. Is this our future? My kids will visit these kind of locations to see (red: search) ‘wild life’? Will this be normal to have animals behind fences and being fed by humans? I don’t want to have this kind of future!

First signes are positive and negative at the same time. Time and further conservation efforts will tell us where we will end: a natural environment with (reintroduced) wildlife or zoos.

Help to protect your environment. Leave only foot prints.


For further reading please also read my Ecopod news letter. Feel free to spread this news letter!