The red centre of Oz

Kangaroo Island

Finally, I made to here. The ten days flew and I enjoyed my stay here. I’ve seen echidnas, kangaroos, wallabies, cape baron geese, goanas, and many eucalypt species. I got so close to the wildlife that I could record some nice movies. Suddenly the dreaming country becomes true. I will never forget that I spend half an hour with an echidna. With its black pointed snout and cute little black eyes it wasn’t even bothered by my presence. Oh boy, most photos and videos took a lot of time. My patience this time got heavily rewarded. I almost forget to mention the temperature controlling ants. On cool days they put little black stones to heat up their nest. On warmer days you find small pieces of white rock on the nest. It’s the first place whee I’ve seen ants doing this. Clever they’re.

And then I was WWOOFing too. I met some nice other WWOOFers and hosts. A couple of times we had dinner together. I made ‘oliebollen’ and trifle for the last dinner. And it was here where we played the card game ‘shithead’! What a brilliant game. See also boxed text.

Swimming in the salt lake, hanging around on one of the most beautiful beaches, and bush walking were almost daily activities. You can imagine that time went fast on the island.

<p>2-8 pers / any age</p><br />
<p>The winner: the player who gets rid off his/her cards the first</p><br />
<p>The looser = shithead: the player who gets rid of his/her cards at the last. He or she wears the ‘shit head’ for the duration of next game until another player looses.</p><br />
<p>Start<br /><br />
every player has 9 cards at the start. 3 in the hand, 3  facing up on the cards that are dacing down, 3 facing down which are put on the table. From the 6 cards you choose the best cards and put them (facing up) on each card that is facing down. That means you need still 3 cards in the hand. </p><br />
<p>The first person who has a 4, in a clockwise direction from the person who drew the cards, starts.</p><br />
<p>Play<br /><br />
Play any card that is equal or higher than the card that has been played (see also special cards). Always have 3 cards in your hand. Take these cards from the stack, if there are. You can decide to play more of the same cards at the same time. If you cannot play a card, then the play stack becomes yours. </p><br />
<p>Special cards<br /><br />
2 = can be played anytime, on any card. next player can play any card on top<br /><br />
3 = can be played anytime, on any card and is a ‘transparent’ card. the next player plays according the card underneath it.<br /><br />
7 = next player plays 7 or under<br /><br />
8 = skips next player (two 8s skips 2 players, etc.)<br /><br />
10 = can be played anytime, on any card, but not an a 7 or queen, and discards the whole play stack. the player who is responsible for clearing the stack, plays again any card to restart the game.<br /><br />
Q = the queen shifts the playing order into the opposit direction (e.g. with 2 queens the order stays the same)<br /><br />
4 of the same cards in an uninterupted sequence = discards the play stack. the player who is responsible for clearing the stack, plays again any card to restart the game.<br /><br />
Joker = choose on of the three options in your game:
a. don’t play with the joker
b. the joker equals as playing card number “3”
c. the joker equals to any playing card in the game